Golden Classic Tour of Iran

Hi guys!
Duration:9 days
Start: Tehran
End:Tehran or chiraz
General cities and villiges of this package :
*Tehran (capital)
*Qom (vatican of Iran)
*Kashan (city with 7000 of civizilation)
*Yazd(registered second oldest city in world)
*Shiraz (city of love and poets)
*Isfahan (city of champs lysée d’iran)
3 times Iranian delicious food per day
Local transportations
Professional tour guide
Visa code
*Note: in all areas and cities local and Iranian food of each area is previewed.
Recommended time for having this excursion will be September
Tehran-kashan 250 km
Kashan-abyaneh 90 km
Abyaneh-Isfahan 175 km
Isfahan-yazd 330 km
Yazd-shiraz 470 km
Hotels & local accommodations :
5* Hotels: per person in single room 1250 Euro OR 1300 USD
                    per person in twin room 1050 Euro OR 1100 USD
4* Hotels: per person in single room 1050 Euro OR 1100 USD
                    per person in twin room 900Euro OR 950  USD
3* Hotels: per person in single room 900 Euro OR 950 USD
                    per person in twin room 750 Euro OR 800 USD
Economic Trip:
2 or 3* Hotels: per person in single room 700 Euro OR 750 USD
per person in twin room 550 Euro OR 600 USD
Visa code
Accomodations 2 , 3 star hotel
Plus breakfast
Public Transportation